Nach der ganzen Literatur nun ein paar Songtexte (von meinen persönlichen Lieblingsliedern) :
Seeed - Ding :
So, heute bin ich ziemlich gut drauf
zieh mich schick an setzt`n hut auf
die rolex tickt, mann seh ich gut aus
hol mir den kick den ich absolut brauch,yeah
wieder mal'n solo-ausritt
in dem poser-outfit, mach ich's mir nett,
mach mich brett-fett rauch shit-
wo sind die bräute mit poser-auschnitt?
komm in den club und genieß den ausblick
die braut is schmuck und die is auch schick
ich sing ne hook, bei der jede austickt
meine frau guckt krass wenn sie's raus kriegt
mhh egal, mal'n ausgang muss auch mal drin sein,
bin kein hausmann brauch unbedingt einen drink
der taugt, ran an die bar, ich laber ne frau an
für die lady und mich sieben mochito
mit einem mal gefällt mir jedes lied so,
tanz sogar zum song von placebo
bin blau und die dame dito
Oh du hübsches ding
ich versteck meinen ehering
klingelingeling wir könntens bring
doch wir nuckeln nur am drink
ooh du hübsches ding
du bist queen und ich bin king
wenn ich dich seh dann muss ich sing'
"tingalingaling you pretty thing"
wir sind blau, wir sind spitz
zuhause sitzt die frau mit kids
im augenblick bekämpfe ich
den wunsch, der wie jeder sehen kann in meinen augen blitzt
alter, krasse braut,
sie sagt "lass es raus"
und ist heiß darauf loszulegen
ich muss zeit gewinnen,
bestell weiter drinks
sie ist nicht mein ding
versuch ich mir einzureden
lächerlich! ich becher mich weg
barkeeper hau raus
was in deinen fässern steckt
ich saufs aus, weils mich vergessen läßt:
meine gedanken sind besessen von sex
sie will offensive vom mann
doch ich bin besoffen, schiele sie an
kurz darauf liegt mein kopf neben der toilette
hätte nie gewettet,
dass kotzen meine ehe rettet
ooh du hübsches ding
ich versteck mein ehering
klinglingeling wir könntens bring
doch wir nuckeln nur am drink
ooh du hübsches ding
du bist queen und ich bin king
wenn ich dich seh dann muss ich sing:
"tingalingaling you pretty thing"
klingelingeling ohoho
See that burnin body-hot
those boobs in a naughty-top
red lips so juicy
caught in the middle of your web
please don't stop
take my brain
turn it off
don't feel shame
don't feel love
more champain
for our game
it's insane
but it's aaah!
do you wanna ruin my life-
say what
you wanna tell my wife-
please stop
things are getting real tight-
I never thought
you'd set me up
all I wanted was a body
for delight
"lets get naughty":
you said, right?
now you say you love me
day and night
who's gonna save me
from this fright?
Oohoohoo du hübsches ding
ich versteck mein ehering
klinglingeling wir könntens bring
doch wir nuckeln nur am drink
ooh du hübsches ding
du bist queen und ich bin king
wenn ich dich seh dann muss ich sing:
"tingalingaling you pretty thing"
Oohoohoo du hübsches ding
ich versteck mein ehering
klinglingeling wir könntens bring
doch wir nuckeln nur am drink
Seeed - Aufstehn :
Eased: This is Seeed ya
Everybody wake up
Forget your strive
embrace life and check this
Yau, Die Nacht ist vorbei
die bösen Geister sind weg
Ich kipp dich ausm Bett
und mach Kaffee der tote Tanten weckt
Sind schön angezeppt
löschen unsern Brand mit Sekt
Wir fahr´n an Strand - das Leben fiebert,
wir haben uns angesteckt
Gestern wars so kalt,
Heute ist es heiß
Sonne macht geil und weil das so ist
scheint sie heute zum Beweiss
das Radio klingt feist,
Gestern war in den Top 10 Scheiss,
heute ist die Liste heiss
und du tanzt,
dass ich Gott für deine Kiste preist
Refrain : Baby wach auf, ich zähl bis 10
das Leben will einen ausgeb'n
und dass will ich seh'n
lass uns endlich raus geh'n
das Radio aufdreh'n
das wird unser Tag Baby
wenn wir aufsteh'n
Eased: Steh auf jetzt oder nie, Girl zu viel geschlafen
und das Leben ist halb vorbei
ich steh drauf wie du tanzt zu dem Lied
wir holen uns zurück was irgendwann auf der Strecke blieb
I want to see your funny side again make me laugh and
take me to your heart where it all began
i promise i'll do all i can for this is the very last chance
to let our love light shine again
Refrain: Komm wach auf, ich zähl bis 10
das Leben will einen ausgeb'n
und das will ich seh'n
lass uns endlich raus geh'n
das Radio aufdreh'n
das wird unser Tag Baby
wenn wir aufsteh'n
Cee-Lo: Wake up woman,
there's something that i want you to see
a brand new you and me
here just waitin to be
here is my hand
and meet me half of the way
sweatheart we're sharing this day
and i don't wish to stay
the way that i am,
i see the circumstances are strange
how i want you to change,
but still stay the same
the less that we talk,
the more time to try
and while you were sleeping,
time passed by
Refrain: Oh Baby lass uns geh'n
das leben will einen ausgeb'n
und dass will ich seh'n
lass uns endlich aufsteh'n
das Radio aufdreh'n
dazu werden wir tanzen
und dazu gut ausseh'n
Refrain: Komm wach auf ich zähl bis 10
das Leben will einen ausgeb'n
und dass will ich seh'n
lass uns endlich rausgehn
das Radio aufdreh'n
das wird unser Tag
wenn wir endlich aufsteh'n
Seeed - Schwinger :
bummm - die show beginnt,
die ganze halle schwimmt im Bass,
du denkst du kriegst'n Kind,
alles was du über uns gehört hast stimmt!
uhh babe, schwing dein Teil
teile schwingen, typen finden's geil
nanana nanana
Seeed geht ab und ihr geht steil
Vers 1
du warst samstag feiern auf unserer geilen show,
sonntag warst du leider taub und flow,
montag um 7 kriechst du ins Büro,
montag Mittag boxt du deinen Boss K.O.
dann testest du sein bestes Cabrio,
nimmst dir die Schlüssel für sein Haus und Boot,
bringst ihn vor Frauchen in Erklärungsnot:
bei Chefchen gibt's jetzt nur noch Trockenbrot
bis jetzt war dein Leben mausetod,
aber jetzt siehst du rot, alter, jetzt gehts los,
du fliegst um die Welt dank Chef sein Moos,
und beglückst seine Frau und spendest Trost
du befreist alle Tiere aus allen Zoos,
bringst den Frieden direkt nach Nahost,
jeder fragt sich "Woher hat der die Power bloss?"
Seeed-Sound macht kleine Typen groß
uhh babe, schwing dein Teil
teile schwingen, typen finden's geil
nanana nanana
Seeed geht ab und ihr geht steil
Vers 2
you can be what you wanna be,
we make you strong like a tree with a whole lot of energie,
you nah go flee from the enemy,
brave and proud like a boomboxwarrior
come with me and you gonna see,
jump with me cause we're family,
shout an free your teeny little voices,
all by the power and force of Seeed
Vers 3
eine Million aktivierte Klon-Top-Killer,
jagen uns um die Erde wie Godzilla,
denn wir bedrohen jede Religion noch schlimmer als Fernsehn -
denn unser Sound schockt immer
in Berlin hört jede Queen Seeed
aber auch Frau Müller weiß,
in New York sind wir dicker als Jigga,
Seeed in Paris, New Orleans und Manila,
wegen Seeed sagte Kennedy "Ich bin ein Berliner"
uhh babe, schwing dein Teil
teile schwingen, typen finden's geil
nanana nanana
Seeed geht ab und ihr geht steil
Vers 4
along the way you chose,
our Seeedsoundwind blows,
aint cool or hot it's both,
ring your bells loose your belts
get your mind right and flow,
good to know where you go,
so whatever you show,
its gonna tell about your world
up and down coast to coast,
come around, and touch your ghost,
load it down and toast the frost,
we got pearls for your girls,
reflect the light in here,
see how it goes out here,
check the vibe in here,
can you ride out there.
Justin Timberlake - My Love :
If I wrote you a symphony
Just to say how much you mean to me
{what would you do}
If I told you you were beautiful
Would you page me on the regular
{tell me would you}
Well baby I've been around the world But I aint seen myself another girl
{like you}
This ring here represents my heart
But there is just one thing I need from you {saying I do}
Because, I can see us holding hands walking on the beach our toes in the sand
I can see us in the country side sitting in the grass laying side by side
You can be my baby Gonna make you my lady Girl you amaze me Aint gotta do nothin crazy
See all I want you to do is
be my love My love My love And I know no woman that could take your spot
My love My love My love And I know no woman that could take your spot
My love My loooooooove Looooooove My loooove My loooove
Now If I wrote you a love note
And make you smile with every word I wrote
{what would you do}
Would that make you wanna change your scene
And wanna be the one in my scene
{tell me would you}
See what's the point in waiting anymore
Cause girl I've never been more sure
{that baby it's you}
This ring here represents my heart
And everything that you been waiting for
{Just saying I do}
Because, I can see us holding hands
Walking on the beach our toes in the sand
I can see us in the country side
Sitting in the grass laying side by side
You can be my baby Gonna make you my lady Girl you amaze me Aint gotta do nothin crazy
See all I want you to do is be my love
My love My love
And I know no woman that could take your spot
my My love My love My love
And I know no woman that could take your spot
my My love My looooooove Loooooove
My looooove My loooooove
{T.I. Rap}
I can see us holding hands Walking on the beach our toes in the sand
I can see us in the country side Sitting in the grass laying side by side
You can be my baby
Gonna make you my lady Girl you amaze me
Aint gotta do nothin crazy
See all I want you to do is be my love
Love My love Love My love Love
And I know no woman that could take your spot
My love Love My love Love My love Love
And I know no woman that could take your spot
My looooooove Loooooove My looooooove My Looooove
Justin Timberlake - Future Sex / Love Sounds :
Future sex love sound
You know what you want
And that makes you just like me
Justin See everybody says you're hot, baby
But can you make it hot for me
Timberlake Said if you're thinking 'bout holding back
Don't worry, girl
FutureSex 'Cause I'm gonna make it so easy
So slide a little bit closer to me, little girl
LoveSound Daddy's on a mission to please
Wait a second
She's hopped up on me
Songtexte I've got her in my zone
Her body's pressed up on me
Songtext I think she's ready to blow
Must be my future sex love sound
Lyrics And when it goes down
Baby all you gotta do is
Just tell me which way you like that
All you gotta do is
Liedertexte Tell me which way you like that
Do you like it like this
Liedertext Do you like it like that
Tell me which way you like that
Alle Tell me which way you like that
You can't stop, baby
Justin You can't stop once you've turned me on
And your enemy are your thoughts, baby
Timberlake So just let em go
'Cause all I need is a moment alone
FutureSex To give you my tone
And put you out of control
LoveSound And after you let it in
We'll be skin to skin
Songtexte It's just so natural
Wait a second
She's hopped up on me
Songtext I've got her in my zone
Her body's pressed up on me
Lyrics I think she's ready to blow
Must be my future sex love sound
Lyric And when it goes down
Baby all you gotta do is
Just tell me which way you like that
All you gotta do is
Liedertext Tell me which way you like that
Do you like it like this
Alle Do you like it like that
Tell me which way you like that
Justin Tell me which way you like that
Justin Timberlake - Summer Love :
Ridin' in the drop top with the top down
Saw you switchin' lanes girl
Justin Pull up to the red light, lookin' right
Come here, let me get your name girl
Timberlake Tell me where you from, what you do, what you like
Summer Let me pick your brain girl
And tell me how they got that pretty little face on that pretty little frame girl
Love But let me show you 'round, let me take you out
Songtexte Bet you we could we could have some fun girl
'Cause we can do it fast (fast), slow, whichever way you wanna run girl
Songtext But let me buy you drinks, better yet rings
Do it how you want it done girl
Lyrics And who would've thought that you could be the one 'cause I
I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
Liedertexte This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
Come on and lemme show you 'round
Let me take you out, bet you we could have some fun girl
Alle 'Cause we can dress it up, we can dress it down
Justin Any way you want it done girl
Or we can stay home, talkin' on the phone
Timberlake Rappin' 'til we see the sun girl
Do what I gotta do, just gotta show you that I'm the one girl
Summer Well I'mma freak you right, each and every night
I know how to do it insane girl
Love 'Cause I can make it hot, make it stop
Make you wanna say my name girl
Songtexte Come on baby please 'cause I'm on my knees
Can't get you off my brain girl
Songtext But who would've thought that you could be the one 'cause I
I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
Lyric This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
Liedertexte 'Cause I can't wait to fall in love with you
Liedertext You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
Alle This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
The summer's over for the both of us
But that doesn't mean we should give up on love
Timberlake You're the one I've been thinking of
And I knew the day I met you you'd be the one
I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
Love This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
Songtexte 'Cause I can't wait to fall in love with you
Songtext You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
Lyrics This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E) Lyric
Chamiilionaire - Rollin :
They see me rollin
They hatin
Patrolling they tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
My music so loud
I'm swangin
They hopin that they gon catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
[Verse 1 - Chamillionaire]
Police think they can see me lean
I'm tint so it ain't easy to be seen
When you see me ride by they can see the glean
And my shine on the deck and the TV screen
Ride with a nooche, she like hold up
Next to the playstation controller is a full clip and my pistola
Turn a jacker into a coma
Girl you ain't know, I'm crazy like Krayzie Bone
Just tryin to bone ain't tryin to have no babies
Rock clean itself so I pull in ladies
Laws of patrolling you know they hate me
Music turned all the way up until the maximum
I can speak for some niggas tryin to jack for some
But we packin somethin that we have and um will have a nigga locked up in the maximum
Security cell, I'm grippin oak
Music loud and tippin slow
Twist and twistin like hit this dough
Pull up from behind and is in his throat
Windows down gotta stop pollution
CDs change niggas like who is that producing?
This the Play-N-Skillz when we out and cruisin
Got warrants in every city except Houston but I'm still ain't losin
[Verse 2 - Krayzie Bone]
I been drinkin and smokin holdin shit cause a brother can't focus
I gotta get to home 'fore the po po's scope this big ol Excursion swerving all up in the curve man
Nigga been sippin on that Hennessey and the gin again is in again we in the wind
Doin a hundred while I come from the block
And rollin another one up, we livin like we ain't givin a fuck
I got a revolver in my right hand, 40 oz on my lap freezing my balls
Roll a nigga tree, green leaves and all
Comin up pretty deep, me and my do-jo
I gotta get back to backstreets
Wanted by the six pound and I got heat glock glock shots to the block we creep creep
Pop Pop hope cops don't see me, on a low key
With no regards for the law we dodge em like fuck em all
But I won't get caught up and brought up on charges for none of y'all
Keep a gun in car, and a blunt to spark, but well if you want, nigga you poppin dark
Ready or not we bust shots off in the air Krayzie Bone and Chamillionaire
[Verse 3 - Chamillionaire]
Do what you thinkin so, I tried to let you go
Turn up a blink of light and I swang it slower
A nigga upset for sure cause they think they know that they catchin me with plenty of the drinkin drough
So they get behind me tryin to check my tags, look at my rearview and they smilin
Thinkin they'll catch me on the wrong well keep tryin
Cause they denyin is racial profiling
Houston, TX you can check my tags
Pull me over try to check my slab
Glove compartment gotta get my cash
Cause the crooked cops try to come up fast
And been a baller that I am I talk to them, giving a damn bout not feeling my attitude
When they realize I ain't even ridin dirty bet you'll be leavin with an even madder mood
I'mma laugh at you then I'mma have to cruise I'm in number two on some more DJ Screw
You can't arrest me plus you can't sue
This a message to the laws tellin them WE HATE YOU
I can't be toss or tell em that they shoulda known
Tippin down sittin crooked on my chrome
Bookin my phone tryin to find a chick I wanna bone
Like they couldn't stop me I'mma bout to pull up at your home and it's on
[Chorus 2x]